As part of Victorian Youth Week 2021, Youth Projects and our Youth Advisory Group hosted the annual Visual Art Competition for young people from across the state to have their voice heard within the community, express their ideas and promote the real, lived experience of young people over the past year.

The Visual Art Competition showcased the achievements, creativity, and diverse talents of young people whilst shifting the narrative and representation of youth in the media and greater community.

Visual Art Competition 2021 Finalists


Untitled’ by Wraith (24) 

I wanted to display power and a unique sense of fantasy in a deity that is not bound/dictated by the rules and titles of gender as humans tend to be. They are free be as who they are: just, them-self.


Runner up

Skateboard Art’ by Cassandra Volf (19)

This art piece on a skateboard represents me - reminding myself and others we are so much more than a body. Being female, we are resilient and sometimes need reminding on how amazing we are. Due to societal conditions, we are a subject to misogyny. I used green to represent growth and the bright colours to show empowerment.


Runner up

Everlasting Love’ by Funda Acikoglu (22)

Everlasting Love has both dark and romantic themes. The flame represents the love which is still alive in a couple that have long passed, the two shadows in the background depict that the souls of these two lovers are still everlasting, living on even after death.


Youth Advisory Group Choice Award

Beacon of Hope’ by Kaif Ul Wara (22) & Abeer Fatima (17)

These images were taken and edited by myself but the concept was by my little sister - Abeer. Our muse was our youngest, 7-year-old sister, Amber. Our submission is titled 'Beacon of Hope'. After 2020 being such a difficult and dark year, me and my family (like many others) looked forward to 2021 to bring light in our lives.

The darkness in these images represent the difficult times we all have been through and how so much of the world and life is still in the dark and unknown. The trees represent the birth of a new era and the resilience which has held the people together. The lights represent hope, the desire to keep going and positivity for the future. Our sister in the image represents the joys life still has to offer and the innocence of the children who have been braver than ever.


Thank you to each and every young person who submitted entries into the 2021 Visual Art Competition – our Youth Advisory Group were blown away by the sheer talent and rawness of emotion from young artists across Victoria. 

The 2021 Visual Art Competition was judged by Youth Projects’ Youth Advisory Group and winners announced at a special Youth Week event hosted at Youth Projects HQ on Friday 02 July 2021.