It’s been a really new space for all of us lately, things that we’d never thought we would need to do – but have. Amongst everything though, it’s important to know that are not alone. This is something that we are all in together. Building and maintaining resilience is incredibly important right now, but at times it can feel like a bit of an uphill slog. So, our Youth Coaches have put together a guide on staying resilient by doing different daily, weekly, and monthly activities.


  • Set your alarm for the same time each morning (probs aim for a time earlier than 9am…)
  • Even if you are not going anywhere, jump into the shower and get dressed as if you’ve got places be to
  • Enjoy something for breakfast
  • Find a video that makes you laugh and share that laughter by messaging it to your friends
  • Set aside some time during the day that’s just for you. Maybe it’s going for a half hour walk, reading a book, watching Netflix or shooting a few hoops – let everyone at home know you’re taking some me-time and make it all yours.
  • Throw on your favourite playlist and chill out to some smooth tunes (or even make a playlist!)
  • Now is a good time for lunch!
  • Spend at least 10 minutes working towards your employment / education-based goals. It could be applying for a job, calling an employer, surfing Seek for today’s listings, researching courses or getting through that online reading you need to tick off.
  • Practice one mindfulness activity (like meditation or a creative activity) to focus your mind on. Even playing with your pet could be your mindfulness activity!
  • Write down 3 things that went well for you today or that you are grateful to have in your life (it could be a nice meal or a text from a friend that made you smile)
  • Don’t give up! It’s completely natural to have days where your motivation is a bit, eh… Minimise your activities and give yourself a smaller goal for that day. It’s ok to have an off day!
  • Throw together something delish and eat.
  • Limit screen time and switch off notifications on your phone at least an hour before bed. This could be prime time to chill with the fam.


  • Do something nice for someone (let someone you care about know how much they mean to you; reach out to a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while, offer to cook dinner)
  • Call a friend and ask them how their week was
  • Check with all your mates on a group video session
  • Have a cheat day - sleep in, stay in bed longer, binge on a whole season of your fav tv show.


  • Work on strengthening (or finding) a skill - learn to cook, play guitar, a new language or even finally got a few new sprouts in the garden.
  • Practise a goal setting exercise about something you have been putting off for a long time. Perhaps a fitness goal or setting some budget or study goals.


A few friends that have put together some ace well being resources over on their websites, so be sure to check them out too: Headspace, The Reach Foundation + The Resilience Project