Speak up during COVID-19 This can be a difficult time to navigate so we want to share some helpful links, apps and sources of information to access if you, or anyone you know, may be struggling right now. Self help resources How to cope with stress related to COVID-19 (headspace) Coping with COVID-19 Fact Sheet (headspace) 10 ways to take care of yourself during coronavirus (ReachOut) How to deal with uncertainty (ReachOut) Coping during coronavirus (ReachOut) Mental health and wellbeing during the COVID-19 outbreak (LifeLine) Looking after your mental health while self isolating (Young Minds) Apps Smiling Mind: free mindfulness meditation app to help you look after your mental health and manage stress and daily challenges. Headspace: free "Weathering the Storm" program available to help support the global community through this time including a curated list of calming meditations, help with sleep, and at-home workouts or movement exercises. The crew from Broadsheet have also put together a list of online exercise classes to do in your living room Official advice and information For official updates, advice and information, please visit the following: Department of Health and Human Services (Victoria) Australian Government Coronavirus Information (Australia) Health Alerts: Australian Department of Health COVID-19 (Australia) Other languages: If English is your second language, SBS has committed to informing all Australians about the latest coronavirus developments and is providing news and information in more than 60 languages. Click here Crisis Information If you, or someone you know, might be experiencing crisis please know that there are support services available to you. Please contact any of these services, depending on your situation. Manage Cookie Preferences