Youth Projects has recently been appointed as one of three Local Partner Organisations for the Victorian Council of Social Services Jobs Victoria Community Traineeship Pilot Program in Hume city in 2019.

Jobs Victoria – through the Victorian Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources – has provided funding to Victorian Council of Social Services (VCOSS) and the Future Services Institute (FSSI) to deliver a Community Traineeship Pilot Program for young Victorian job seekers; addressing youth unemployment and increased workforce demand in the community services industry.

Victoria is currently experiencing disproportionately high rates of youth unemployment in some parts of the state, including Melbourne (North West), Melbourne (South East) and Bendigo. At the same time, the Victorian community services industry is expanding rapidly with predictions indicating the health and social assistance industry will be the fastest-growing industry in 2017-2022 – contributing approximately 70,000 new jobs to the Victorian economy.

This is a wonderful opportunity for our young people and aligns seamlessly to Youth Projects creating jobs in skill shortage areas, whilst acknowledging that vulnerable young people need more help than simply being placed into jobs.

Youth Projects will provide holistic, wrap around support to 75 young people and employers residing in the Hume region over the next 2 years with our service centre co-located at the Hume Whittlesea LLEN in Broadmeadows.

These traineeships will span across the community services sector and will be designed in a way that builds capacity in the community services industry and develop talent within organisations.

Youth Projects will work alongside RMIT to deliver the traineeships and MAS National who will be completing the traineeship contracts as an Australian Apprenticeships Services Network provider.

This initiative will pave new pathways for young people, build the future workforce we need in the community services industry and change the lives of young people in the city of Hume.

If you would like to apply for a traineeship or be a host employer, please contact us.

For more information on the Community Traineeship Pilot Program visit the VCOSS website.