Mohamoud had been on temporary medical exemptions for six months, felt disempowered by other employment services and had some nonvocational barriers that was making it difficult to find a pathway to a positive future.Mohamoud smiling, from ear to ear, reflecting on his success

With Victoria’s West and North West regions having unemployment rates of more than 17 percent (among the highest in Victoria) Mohamoud was at high risk of long-term unemployment.

He stepped off the train at Glenroy and walked into our Youth Hub one afternoon, feeling unsure of what, if anything, could help him. Mohamoud met one of our Transitions Coaches who gave him the lowdown on the employment, training and non-vocational supports provided at Youth Projects. After just one visit, Mohamoud felt empowered to change his future.

He came to Youth Projects several times each week and received intensive support and mentoring from our multi-skilled team.

Mohamoud also began participating in Ready, Set, Job – an intensive, supportive environment where a Transitions Coach provides one-on-one and group support to tailor applications, identify employment positions and market themselves to potential employers.

“My Transitions Coach was such an incredible help… He spent one-on-one time with me to complete my resume and helped me identify my strengths and skills. This helped with my confidence and to realise that I was actually very employable.”

After only 2 months of personalised intensive support, Mohamoud had a newfound confidence and was able to start searching and applying for jobs. Less than a month after that, we found and secured Mohamoud a job.

“I love the position and I’m learning every day. I am moving forward with my employment goals, and I’m really excited about what the future holds. None of this would have been possible without Youth Projects! They have been there every step of the way.”

Since then, Mohamoud reflects on this time of his life as a significant turning point and motivator for his new life. He is now an active member on a community Youth Board, enrolled into an undergraduate of Law and is working at a legal firm to build his knowledge and experience in the space.