Jaymie from Scarves for Social Change has been spending her time during COVID-19 isolation knitting scarves and beanies to sell and raise much needed funds for organisations like ours. We caught up with Jaymie to find out a little more about the source of her inspiration and how she does it.


YP: The question on many minds is – why knitting? An old school skill that’s being revived (and used very creatively!)

Jaymie: Once I was wearing a scarf I'd knitted at a party and someone asked where I'd bought it. When I said that I made it years back she asked me to make her one and offered to pay me. I didn't want to take her money but I knew it'd be a lot of work, so asked for her to donate that money to a charity of her choice instead. Before I knew it, more people started asking that I make them scarves too and it rapidly grew from there! I heard about Youth Projects from a mate and was absolutely behind the organisation's mission and movements, so it all fell into place around June last year.

YP: Why is it important for young people to be creative?

Jaymie: I think creativity activity is an incredible stress reliever, especially for young people. It is an opportunity for anyone to take time out and potentially make something they are really proud of. And there are no rules! Anything goes.

YP: How did you start out knitting? 

Jaymie: Both my nan and grandma are incredibly crafty and from a young age they taught me things like knitting and sewing. I hadn't done it in years until 2017 when I broke my ankle and wasn't able to do much else for months, so I got back into it. 

YP: How is isolation going for you? What other sorts of things are you doing to fill your time and make it a productive stay in?

Jaymie: Isolation is okay... I'm lucky enough to be at home with my dog, so I've been walking lots and studying online a bit too (perhaps not enough!). And of course, knitting lots and lots! More than ever actually.

YP: What advice would you give to young people about starting out?

Jaymie: My advice is to just get started! This kind of model for fundraising is really simple - it's taking something you love to do and finding an organisation that you value. Combining the two make for some great outcomes and a huge amount of fun in the process.  Don't question yourself too much because with the big wide web there is always someone out there that will back you to make a go of it! And don't give up hope..! 

Where do you even start with knitting? Well, Jaymie has you covered with this wonderful tutorial on how to get started. Who knows, maybe during isolation you'll discover or pick up a skill you never knew you had.

Follow Jaymie on Instagram @scarvesforsocialchange


Scarves for Social Change has been a huge supporter of Youth Projects and the work we do, already raising over $3,000 to support critical services. That's nothing short of a mean feat! If Jaymie's story has inspired you to act, get those creative juices flowing.